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Last modified 2/27/2024.

2. Obituary:

3. Videos Containing Rita:

  1. 430: 2014-Still Rockin Band, Classic Rock Band at Meridian Manor, Apache Junction AZ (Rita doing vocals): vimeo.com/118381337   ||   Still Rockin Band archive website
  2. 2018-Rita's 'tongue-in-check' singing of the song Fever, at 2018 Meridian Manor Revue, with co-star Andy Anderson:  youtu.be/ZdPEYxKb3xs?t=4987
  3. 2017-Rita's vocal "Crazy" at 2017 Meridian Manor Revue: youtu.be/Zx8jpn_q8H8?t=4506
  4. 2016-Rita's skit with John & Linda Fox at 2016 Meridian Manor Revue: youtu.be/F1mfXrjcLVw?t=716
  5. Rita's vocal "Unchained Melody" at 2016 Meridian Manor Revue: youtu.be/F1mfXrjcLVw?t=2628
  6. 435: 2015-A 30-second clip showing Rita Stine singing Karaoke in the Mad Hatter Lounge. on Carnival Dance Cruise ship to Mexico: youtu.be/v6WZDrIBPcE?t=247
  7. 027: 2011-Loyalsock Class of 1966 45th Reunion in 2011; Rita's 20-second comments about the reunion: vimeo.com/25270984#t=1652s
  8. 018: 2007-Rita's 90-second comments for Central Pa Mac Users, about making "meet the members" videos about themselves: vimeo.com/711717471

4. Dance Videos Containing Rita:

~~~ Line Dance:
    1. Rita as 1 of 6 line dancers doing Last Cheaters Waltz, at 2018 Meridian Manor Revue: youtu.be/ZdPEYxKb3xs?t=2322
    2. Rita as 1 of 4 line dancers doing Jingle Bell Rock Dance, done to song Be Bop A Lula, at 2019 Meridian Manor Revue: youtu.be/jCt72jeUh7M?t=3879
      ~~~ Couples Dance:
    1. 417 Nov. 2007 East & West Coast Swing Demo: dai.ly/x7lzdr7
    2. 408 Oct. 2005 West Coast Swing Demo: dai.ly/x7lz37z
    3. 407 Sept. 2005 West Coast Swing Practice: vimeo.com/363393848
    4. 424 Feb. 2013 Colorado Cha Cha Pattern Dance Demo: youtu.be/JWNkwRBXf5s
    5. 427 Feb. 2014 Nightclub 2-Step Demo: vimeo.com/363395915
    6. 431 Feb. 2015 Waltz Round Dance (Cued, we're 1 of 4 couples): youtu.be/cXiRARHWRT0
    7. 436 World War II Ballroom/Swing Dance Demo, 9/2015 at Lycoming Mall, Muncy PA (We're 1 of 6 couples): vimeo.com/138421646
    8. 438 Rumba Round Dance ‘Sundown’, Steve & Lori Harris’s Class Practice 3/2016 Venture Out, Mesa AZ (We're 1 of about 10 couples): vimeo.com/158288016
    9. 441 Anna Dai Capelli Rossi, 56-Count Circle Cha-Cha Couples Mixer (We're 1 of 5 couples): youtu.be/pa4SVGcAmbY?t=531
    10. 425 Rita's 20-second closing comments at end of Colorado Cha Cha how-to video: youtu.be/N8ae8YtxI3Y?t=1878
    11. 434 Meridian Manor Couples Dance Practice, 2014 & 2015 (Amateur Dancing, Apache Junction AZ) Practice sessions organized by the late Rita Stine and James Ingram (25:58 min) vimeo.com/774920067

    5. Facebook:  facebook.com/rita.stine

    6. More Rita Links:

      7. Dog Video:

      Made 1015, when the dogs were young.

      The small brown & white dog, Jasper, is deceased.

      8. Dog Photos:

      A few more photos of SASSY are in

      Image 2

      Image 3

      Image 4

      Image 5

      Image 6

      9. Arizona House Links:

        VIDEO - (vimeo.com/jim17701pa/house)
        5/7/22 walkthrough of house, starts inside, moves to outside at 5:20 min. point